Providing information about oral health and access to oral health care for clients, other professionals and the public
Contributing to actions that will support change and facilitate access to care; particularly in vulnerable populations
As a future member of a regulated health profession, the aspect of responsibility in relation to the dental hygiene scope of practice is one of utmost importance to me on both a professional and a personal level. While I know that my ability as a student to help educate and advocate for expanded access to care is somewhat limited in capacity, I feel that through the various assignments we have completed that I have successfully demonstrated this standard of practice. I recognize how this aspect of the SOP are strongly related to the social determinants of health, and that we as respected members of the dental hygiene profession have a moral obligation to help emphasize prevention through education and help reach otherwise underserved communities by advocating and participating in the expansion of dental services. I am a firm believer of providing equitable healthcare and hope to use my status as an RDH to be able to aid those who need it most, whether it's through policy advancement or providing oral health services myself. However, even though I believe that I have a strong foundation of responsibility, there are still areas of improvement in which I can focus on such as the implementation of oral health initiatives. I hope to continue my education upon completing my advanced diploma following several years of practical experience as a means to help shape and form new policy that serves those who either have limited or no access to dental services.

"Dentist Appointment" by Wix​
In this infographic assignment for our Diverse Populations class, we were tasked with creating an infographic about oral health for a specific life stage.
I feel that this assignment links to the standard of practice of responsibility by providing an educational resource to a specific segment of the population in which oral health care is of great importance. Many new families, especially those with their first child, are often overwhelmed by this significant change to their life and unfortunately are unaware of the oral health requirements of their child. This infographic both provides quick and easy to read information about the oral health needs of infants and toddlers, but also recommends when they should be seen by a dentist. While it does not specifically seek to expand access to dental services, it helps to provide a quick snapshot of information to help new parents make oral health decisions for their child which in turn leads to giving children access to dental services.
This written assignment for our Health Policy and Advocacy class tasked us with writing a proposed change to the DH scope of practice, and for this I chose the inclusion of the prescription of radiographs by dental hygienists.
While the expansion of the scope of practice is definitely of interest to dental hygienists, it also seeks to help provide better and more accessible dental services. As I outline in the assignment, the addition of the ability of dental hygienists to prescribe radiographs would be able to help those who have limited access to care by allowing dental hygienists to provide better and more efficient remote services. My belief is that this would have a chain reaction and cause more dental hygienists to operate independently and therefore be able to open offices in areas that are historically underserved. I feel that this is a good example of my interest and application of the standard of responsibility and highlights that although I may seek to advocate for the profession, my end goal is to help those who may be unable to access dental care efficiently.

"Doctor with Infant" by Wix​

"X-rays" by Wix​