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Program Learning Outcome - analyze oral health issues in need of advocacy, identify networks and promote actions that will support change and facilitate access to care.

As someone who believes that people should be afforded equitable opportunities in life, I feel very strongly about this learning outcome and what it entails. I am a strong proponent of universal healthcare and public services, and as such hope to use my expertise in the field of dental hygiene as a means to advocate for those in underserved communities and populations. Whether it be indigenous populations, impoverished communities, or children and the elderly, I recognize that the benefits of improving oral health care education and access to care can benefit these groups, the dental hygiene profession, and society as a whole. As I am still relatively early into my education, I have had limited opportunity to promote oral health services. However, I am a strong supporter of the federal governments recent initiatives to help increase the affordability of dental care. I feel that there is still more work to be done in this matter, but believe that it is a good foundation from which to build upon. I hope to continue to analyze the socioeconomic issues that affect both individuals and communities as I progress through this program, with the ultimate goal of improving the availability and quality of oral health care to all Canadians.

Yearly Checkup

"Yearly Checkup" by Wix​

This assignment was completed in my Communications class, in which I had to research a topic of interest that is related to my field of study.


I decided to discuss the ways in which the dental hygiene profession has sought to expand access to oral health care services. While this assignment does not directly demonstrate contributions to improving access to care, it does show my interest in exploring this route as my education and career progress. I recognized the changes that dental hygienists of the past have fought for as ways to improve the oral health of the communities they serve. These changes were achieved through lobbying and public education, and I hope to expand upon these ideas, specifically with advocating for improved dental coverage to at risk populations. The feedback I received on this assignment was mostly positive, with constructive feedback focusing on my presentation skills. If I can become more proficient in these skills, I believe it will help me achieve my goal of increased access to care.

This assigned reading focused on the experiences of indigenous populations with regards to the Canadian health care system.


Discussed in this article is the assistance that the Federal Government of Canada has provided, with recognition that there is still more to be achieved in helping these communities in affordably accessing care. It also focuses on the problems contributing to this lack of care, including racism, cultural differences, and the approach of health care personnel. This article resonated with me as I have recently become aware to the challenges that aboriginal communities face. I understand that the basic human need of access to safe and clean drinking water is still a problem for many native settlements. In an effort to help resolve this situation, I organized a bake sale the year before I began my studies, with the proceeds going towards providing clean drinking water. In the future I hope to use my knowledge and expertise in the field of dental hygiene to make positive changes and improvements, and to expand upon this passion of mine.

Senior Couple

"Senior Couple" by Wix​


"Canada" by Wix​

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